


Car Rental Software

Our Services

Taxi Billing & Management software

Taxi Billing & Management software is a web-based online system which is useful for taxi operator to manage their all related work. Car Rental Industry using this cab billing software to manage their fresh duty booking to duty assignment, relevant SMS, email to the guest/booker/driver. , Duty Slip ( Half day, Full day, Outstation Duty, Airport Pick / Drop, etc). With the use of this user-friendly system, one can process billing, Bill Cover Report, Client wise Outstanding, etc in a very smooth, fast & secure way.

GST Enabled Billing ( With Possibilities of all slabs 5%, 12% & 18 % )

Yes! This system is GST Enabled. This billing Software having all the options CGST, SGST, IGST, TGST configured. From the historical day of India 1st July 2017. Ready for smooth billing & management of cab rental industry.

How about billing? How Smooth & easy it is? Please Describe !

Billing Process is very easy in this taxi billing system. Just you need to close all the duty slip properly.

After that from the billing process screen, you can proceed with billing. Here all the Unbilled duty slips get displayed. Just You need to select them as per your need.

You can even filter duty slips on several parameters like Duty Date, Client, City etc. Even after that you can process duty slips in three different way like

1.) Guest Wise Billing: Here You select all duty then the software will automatically process the number of billing based on number guest in a separate bill.

2.) Client wise Billing: You Select all the duty once and click on Process bill. The software will automatically generate the bills as per the client separately. Desperate bills for each corporate / Customer.

3.) One – 1 – Billing: Sometimes you required to process separate bill for each duty slip. Here Just you need to select all bill in One click. Then Click on process bills. And in a few seconds it’s done.

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